Hi, my name is


PhD student in Software Language Engeenering

I am a PhD student at the University of Rennes since september 2023. Member of the DiverSE team.

About Me

I am a PhD student at the University of Rennes working for the Institute of Computer Science and Random Systems(IRISA). Member of the DiverSE team, supervised by Benoit COMBEMALE and Gurvan LE GUERNIC.

I am currently working on my subject “DSL Specialization”. To do so I am working with the GEMOC Studio.

Wich implies to work with:

Past Experience

Intern Back End Developer - Vivadrive
April 2023 - August 2023
I developed an API to calcul the cost of the wear for a car over the years thanks to Django.
Intern in research on SYCL - University of Western Britanny
May 2022 - July 2022

I was working with two other students on accessibility to SYCL from Intel.

Together we developed a C++ library that represent a SYCL code and allow to:

  • parse SYCL code to create it’s structure in C++
  • generate SYCL code writing only C++ code
  • easily change the structure of the program without writing SYCL code
  • generate graphical representation
Intern web developer - Capgemini
April 2021 - August 2021
I was working for the group AirFrance/KLM on an app for airplane management. In term of Front End development I worked with Angular, and Spring Boot for Back End.
Intern in Java Development - Monaco Logistic
May 2020 - June 2020
I developed a Java app to visualize the stock of each warehouse of the company.


2021 - 2023
Master in Software for Embedded Systems
University of Western Britanny, Brest FRANCE

I published my first scientific poster “Toward a CAD Tool for SYCL programming” during an internship at the end of the first year.

Completed with an Erasmus semester in Verona (Italy) at Univesità degli Studi di Verona and an intenational internship at Vivadrive in Warsaw (Poland).

2020 - 2021
Bachelor of Engeineering in Computer Science
University of Western Britanny, Brest FRANCE
I applied everything I learn at this point during my internship at Capgemini.
2018 - 2020
Undergraduated two year diploma
IUT University Cote d'Azur, Nice FRANCE
I learnt the bases in every domain of computer science. And applied my knowledge in object oriented app developmnet during my final internship at Monaco Logistic.


Dead bot Daylight
Academic React Arduino JavaScript
Dead bot Daylight
Mobil robotic project where two robots can be controled thanks to a web app.
Academic HTML/CSS JavaScript Firebase
Remake of the arcade game Galaga.
Academic Lex JCup Java
Compilator of language DOMUS wich allow to schedule the controls of blinds and lights of a house.
Academic Android Studio Java Firebase
Android app to play tic tac toe online with a friend.
TCP server/client
Academic Java Java FX Java threads Eclipse
TCP server/client
Linux and Windows app to transfer files between a client and a server with the TCP protocol.
Follow your sports
Academic Java Java FX Eclipse PostgreSQL SQL
Follow your sports
Linux and Windows app to follow your sports routine.
Shadow Hunter Game
Academic Java Java FX Eclipse
Shadow Hunter Game
Digitalisation of the board game Shadow Hunter.
Discover the europeans country
Academic Android Studio Java
Discover the europeans country
Android game with a quizz to guess and learn the europeans countries.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!